Download Telektonon The Game Of Prophecy
TELEKTONON The Game of Prophecy. 1995, Interlink Productions. Price: $20.00. From the The 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time. We are within the 105th day of the 28th unit of this Dreamtime Telektonon Prophecy. 105 is the difference in. Part 4D, The Realtime Dreamtime.
Telektonon- The game is called Telektonon and as far as I can tell, is board game primer to some bizarre cult. Medical Assistant Programs Concord Ca. You use a giant board, turtles, pyramids and a crystal to communicate with Myan gods who were lovers, one which lives here on Earth, and the other on Mars. By communicating with these gods you will reveal prophecies. Documentary History Of The Church Pdf on this page.
You must fulfill these prophesies in a set amount of time. If you do so, you (Yes you, the player) will start to learn telepathy. Not only will you learn telepathy, you are required to use it on other players in the later stages of the 'game' As you continue playing, BTW did I mention you play in real time? And by real time I mean 1 day = 1 day (there are even certain days the rules forbid you from playing).