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Full text of ' (Rmmll mmvmxi^ f ibatg THE GIFT OF l: MURAM.--kLl'V'^'.' :^.y.yi m..cPfe£. Am4l im7 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARV Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. CENSUS STATE OF MICHIGAN 1894 SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND MARINES YOLTJME ni COMPrLED AND PUBLISHBD BY WASHINGTON GARDNER, SECRETARY OF STATE In accordance with an Act of the Legrislature, approved May 31, 1893 BY AUTHOEITY LANSING EOBEET SMITH & CO., STATE PEINTEES AND BINDEES CONTENTS.

The United States soldiers of the civil war distinguished as aative and foreig:n-born by ages and civil condition. The United States soldiers of the civil war diatingnisbed as native and foreign-bom by ages in periods of years. The United States soldiers of the civil war distinguished as native and foreign-born by civil condition. The Confederate soldiers by ages.

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The Confederate soldiers distingnished as native and foreign-born and by civil condition. The United States soldiers of the Mexican war distinguished as native and foreign-bom and by civil condition. The United States marines distinguished as native and foreign-bom and by civil condition. By nativity and by ages in periods of years, the U. Soldiers, sailors and marines who were sick or temporarily disabled on the day of the enumerator's visit, together with the nature of the sickness or disability. List of names of the U, S. Soldiers of the civil war.

LETTER OF T'R.ANSMTTTAT. MICHIGAN, ) Depaetment of State, >Lansing, June 13, 1896. Eioh, Governor of the State of Michigan: Sib — I present herewith Volume III of the State census pf June 1, 1894, containing the statistics of soldiers, sailors and marines. Very respectfully, WASHINGTON GARDNER, Secretary of State.

Merlin Gerin Pm710 Manual. SUMMARY SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND MARINES. UNITED STATES SOLDIERS OP THE CIVIL WAR. The aggregate number of United States soldiers of the civil war returned is 42,544, of whom 34,946 are native and 7,598 foreign-born.

Of the native, 1,525 are single men; 30,178 married; 2,871 widowed; 363 divorced, and for 9 the civil condition is not reported. Of the foreign- bom, 455 are single; 6,267 married; 803 widowed; 69 divorced, and for 4 the civil condition is not reported.

The ages range from 40 to 95 years. There are 33 reported 40 years old, and 1 at 91, 1 at 92, 2 at 93, and 1 at 95. There are 249 who are 80 years old or over, and 2,464 who are 70 years Old or over. The largest number reported at any one age is 3,137 at 50 years, and the largest num- ber at any ten year period is 22,065, more than one-half the whole number, at the period 50 to 60. The ages of 33 are not reported.

The average age of all returned is 56.07 years. The average age of the native is 55.71 years, and of the foreign-born 57.70 years. The average age of the single is 55.85 years; of the married, 55.66; of the widowed, 60.19, and of the divorced, 56.16 years.

Cell Phone Unlocking Software Ware on this page. The population schedule required a return of the diseases or temporary disabilities of all persons who were, by reason of disease or disability, unable to attend to ordinary business or duties, on the day of the enumer- ator's visit in June, 1894. The diseases and disabilities of the United States soldiers, sailors and marines of the civil war are shown in table 8. The total number returned as sick or disabled is 6,105, which is 14.23 per cent, or about one in seven of the whole number. The number of the native is 4,964, and of the foreign-born 1,141. The native are 14.11 per cent of the native soldiers, sailors and marines, and the foreign-bom 14.75 per cent of the foreign-born soldiers, sailors and marines. Kioware Lite License File. CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS.

The number of Confederate soldiers in the State is 148, of whom 102 are native and 46 foreign-born. The number who are single is 11; mar- ried, 124; widowed, 12, and divorced, 1.

The ages range from 43 to 82. The largest number reported at any one age is 13 at 52. The average age is 55.41 years. CENSUS OF MICHIGAN— JUNE 1, 1894. UNITED STATES SAILORS AND MARINES.