How To Change Adobe Photoshop Splash Screen
(NOTE: This tutorial assumes you are using Photoshop CS3, if you don't have it.get it lol) Alright, gonna teach you how to change the Adobe Photoshop (actually can apply to all adobe programs.but we will keep it based around photoshop) Splash screen loader. Step 1: Make sure you have Adobe Photoshop (not gonna give you a link, so don't ask) Step 2: Download ResHack (just choose the europe server to download) Step 3: Unzip the file (duh) and open up reshack Step 4: Click File, then Open. Step 5: Browse to your Photoshop directory (C: Program Files Adobe Adobe Photoshop CS3) and open PSArt.dll. Make a backup of this file incase you screw it up!) Step 6: Expand the PNGF folder located on the left of reshack and scroll down to the folder called SPLASHARTBACKGROUND.PNG and expand it. Step 7: Click the 1033 file, then go to Actions and click Save Resource as a binary file.
Save it wherever you want and as w/e you want, but make sure to put.png at the end to make it an image. Step 8: Open that.png in photoshop, well look at that, it's the splash screen! Now edit it to your heart's content but make sure not to put anything where the credits/creators names go. Remember to save as a.png when you are done (best way is file>save for web and devices, and make sure it's saving as png24) and close photoshop. This is what i came up with: Step 9: Go back to reshack and and right click the 1033 file and select Replace Resource.
I have **Adobe Photoshop CC 2015** and I've changed the splash screen from the [atrociously bad image of a. An unexpected splash screen displays when you open Photoshop CS6. Solution Photoshop CS6 has two different welcome screens, one for the standard version, and one for the extended version.
Step 10: Guide it to your.png that you edited, and in the boxes fill in this info. Type: PNGF name: splashartbackground.png (it auto capitalizes it so don't freak out when you can't type small lol) language: 1033 And hit replace. Step 11: Go up to file>Save. Close reshack and open photoshop, you should have a brand new splash page!
Canon Eos 600 Manual. END RESULT: (Tutorial and pictures by GooBacks). Ill start now what have you looked in so far AHHH holy crap look at photoshop.dll then go to bitmap>5037>1033 that scared the **** out of me lol wtf wrong with the people who made this photoshop.dll>string table from like 630 down is like a conversation OHH **** I THINK I FOUND IT look at photoshop.dll string table >1265 thier a bunch of names that are their im gunna try to edit it with note pad it works i found it go to photoshop.dll down to 'string table' down to '1265' go to the right edit the names then click compile script save. • About us Se7enSins caters to all types of gamers across the globe, aiming to provide access to the latest news, releases, mods and a great deal more. With a diverse range of content and a welcoming, amicable and tight-knit community, Se7enSins is a forum open to anyone and everyone. Please do not hesitate to share the experience. • • • • • • Site Functions • • • • Useful Links • • • • • Support the site Development and day-to-day site maintenance is a service provided by the staff for the members.