Install Maple 13 Ubuntu

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Install Maple 13 Ubuntu

64-bit Windows Single User Installation Note: If you are using Maple in a 64-bit Microsoft® Windows environment, you must install and set up a Microsoft® Visual C++ compiler to use the Maple compiler. For instructions on setting up a Microsoft Visual C++ compiler to use with Maple, see. During the installation, you will need your purchase code, generally sent to you in an email.

I am new to ubuntu and i was wondering if anyone could show me a tutorial or actually show me how to install software, for example maple software or things like that. Maple for Linux. Anybody know what. The closest free project to maple would probably be maxima. 13 AM: Matlab/Mathematic/Maple for linux? Cmfarley19: Linux.

To install Maple 16 on your Windows operating system, read and complete the following tasks For Windows® XP, Windows Server® 2008, Windows Vista®, and Windows® 7 single user installation, read this section. For 64-bit Windows, see. During the installation, you will need your purchase code, generally sent to you in an email. To install Maple 16 on your Windows operating system, read and complete the following tasks. 64-bit Windows Installation Using a Network License Note: If you are using Maple in a 64-bit Microsoft® Windows environment, you must install and set up a Microsoft® Visual C++ compiler to use the Maple compiler. For instructions on setting up a Microsoft Visual C++ compiler to use with Maple, see. To install Maple 16 on your Windows operating system using a network license, read and complete the following tasks.

For Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 installation using a network license, read this section. For 64-bit Windows, see. To install Maple 16 on your Windows operating system using a network license, read and complete the following tasks. Shortcuts for Desktop and Applications menus During installation, a maple16.desktop file is created in the bin directory of your Maple 16 installation. If you request the installer to have a shortcut placed on your desktop, this file is also created in the ~/Desktop directory. If you wish to have a shortcut placed in your Applications menu, the maple16.desktop file can be copied to /usr/share/applications (which may require root access) or ~/.local/share/applications.

Return to the top of the. Return to the top of the. • Create a resource file.

You can create a resource file automatically by running the installer with the command Maple16WindowsInstaller.exe -r (32-bit Windows) or Maple16WindowsX86_64Installer.exe -r (64-bit Windows), where is the path to your specified directory. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation. Install the Maple Toolbox During the Maple Installation Process During the Maple installation process, the Maple installer will display a panel indicating that the installer has detected that MATLAB is installed.

At this point, you can install a toolbox which will connect Maple with MATLAB by selecting the MATLAB version that you want to use from the list of available MATLAB versions. You can also skip the Maple Toolbox installation by selecting Do not configure at this time. If the MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox is installed, another panel will prompt you to select either the Maple Toolbox or MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox as the default.

OpenWatcom (Windows 32-bit only) For the 32-bit Windows version, Maple 16 includes the OpenWatcom C compiler. This compiler is used for the Maple compiler feature, which allows you to compile some types of user-written Maple routines to speed up the performance of your code. To use this feature, you must install the OpenWatcom C compiler when you install Maple 16. The OpenWatcom compiler requires that it be installed in a location whose name contains no spaces (the default is C: watcom-1. Working Principle Of Step Down Transformer Pdf. 3). During installation, you will have the opportunity to change this default location. To remove the OpenWatcom C compiler after installation, follow these steps.

Setting Up the Visual Studio C++ Compiler Every time you launch the Standard Worksheet version of Maple your computer is automatically scanned for a suitable Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler. Supported compiler versions are: 2010, 2008, 2005 and 2003. If your supported version of Visual Studio C++ compiler is not detected, you can manually define the%LIB%,%INCLUDE% and%PATH% environment variables used by the compiler or you can set up the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler for Maple by specifying the path of the vcvars64.bat file created during the Maple installation process. To specify the path of the vcvars64.bat file do the following. • Visit your video card vendor's web site to check whether a more current version of the driver software is available. See Obtaining the Latest Driver Software for instructions. If the version number of the latest driver software available from the vendor matches the version number of the driver software installed on your computer, your computer is configured to display graphics in Maple 16.