Hypersonic 2
I'm installing hypersonic 2 and I get this error. Application 'Hypersonic 2.x' has caused the following error: I guess there is something wrong. Hypersonic 2 for sale again? I added a post in Steinberg forums, to try get Steinberg to start selling Hypersonic 2 again ( if they still have the software ). Hypersonic 2/ Groove Agent 2 / Virtual Bassist 1 / INTERNAL PACK ( don’t need download contents folder!) 52 MB. Cancionero Gitano Pdf. This Does Not contain ‘CONTENTS.
The new version of Steinberg's virtual sound module brings more and better instruments, without sacrificing convenience or ease of use. The original Hypersonic soft synth was much misunderstood. Some people expected it to be a vast, multi-gigabyte sample library, with every nuance of every instrument captured at a million velocity levels. Instead, it was a creative, easy-to-use workstation with a key quality that is missing from so many soft synths: immediacy. That's not to say it sounded bad, just that it met a different need from BFD or the Vienna Symphonic Library. It didn't offer detailed control over a million parameters, but nor did it take a minute to load every patch, or require a cutting-edge machine to play a single chord.