Pure Relief Patch By Cieaura
Pure Relief Most people will suffer from painful discomfort during their lifetime. Some discomfort may be acute, with a distinct beginning and end. Other discomfort may be chronic, lasting for a continued period of time. Muscle discomfort, a common type of acute pain, affects 53 percent of Americans, and the American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA) estimates that one in three Americans suffer from some type of chronic pain. Although doctors have made great progress in treating discomfort and understand that it is usually caused by inflammation, there is still a lack of information and a need for more effective treatments.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Cieaura Purerelief Holographic Chips. Pure Relief chips. Patches and find good relief.
As evidenced in the media, current pain treatments can be dangerous, addictive and cause organ damage. Discomfort may occur in one area, such as a knee or back, but it affects the entire body’s ability to maintain wellness. When the body is in discomfort, it is unbalanced.
A majority of resources are focused on the discomfort, not balanced throughout the body. Because of this, the treatment and prevention of discomfort is important to overall health. CieAura Pure Relief Chips Are Designed To Help Your Body Manage Discomfort CieAura Pure Relief Holographic Chips provide a safe and effective alternative or supplement to current discomfort. Numerous people suffer from discomfort in problem areas such as knees, backs and shoulders. It has been estimated that almost 80% of the world's population will suffer from back discomfort at some point in their lives. We believe that CieAura Pure Relief Chips can be used to manage back discomfort caused by sprains, muscle strains, headaches & athletic soreness. When the body is in discomfort, energy naturally refocuses on the affected area.
CieAura Pure Relief Chips, like the needles in acupuncture, are able to refocus the energy when they are placed on the points of discomfort. Additional Information: CieAura Pure Relief Chips are activated when placed within approximately 2 inches of the body. Due to this, CieAura Pure Relief Chips can be placed on clothing.
It is not necessary to place them directly on a skin surface. CieAura Pure Relief Chips last for several days. Their effectiveness slowly erodes after about 2 days.
As a consequence, do not put your supply of CieAura Pure Relief Chips in your pocket for long periods of time. You will be using a portion of the approximate 48 hr life of the chip. Commandos Patch No Cd.
Once the Pure Relief Chip is placed away from the body, it is no longer active and the remaining life span is available. How CieAura Chips Work Background Traditional Chinese Medicine is an energy medicine. Acupuncturists dating back 3000 years also employed these energetic principles of positive and negative or yin and yang with the neutral center energy of mind being the way of the Tao. The Chinese have developed the art of promoting an inner energy flow that was considered the basis of healing. Physical disease was thought to have an energetic origin of stagnated energy or blockage. When a person is injured, the body “naturally” reacts to the injury by slowing circulation to the injury, resulting in discomfort and swelling.