Genes Reporteros Pdf

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Please Note: Purchase of this product requires the end user to hold the following permits: • 'Entry and Exit Certificate of Medical Special Needs' 《医用特殊物品准出入境证明》 Issued by the Ministry of Health • 'Health Quarantine Certificate of Approval for Special Goods Entry and Exit' 《入出境特殊物品卫生检疫审批单》 Issued by China Inspection and Quarantine (CIQ) Prior to completion of your order Customer Care will contact you to confirm the necessary permits are in place. Additionally, some products may not be available in your region. TrueGuide Modified Synthetic crRNA TrueGuide Modified Synthetic crRNAs are hybridized with TrueGuide tracrRNA to form a gRNA complex that directs Cas9 to the editing site. The efficiency of the TrueGuide 2 piece gRNA system is enhanced by the addition of 2’O-meythl analogs and 3’ phosphorothioate internucleotide linkages that enhance editing efficiency by increasing binding to the target site and inhibiting nuclease degradation, respectively. Note: for this format requires the purchase of separate TrueGuide™ crRNA and TrueGuide™ tracrRNA products, which are annealed to generate a crRNA:tracrRNA duplex prior to delivery into cells. Be sure to add the to cart when ordering TrueGuide™ crRNA.

TrueGuide Modified Synthetic sgRNA. Mimics Small, synthetic, double-stranded RNA molecules designed to mimic endogenous mature miRNAs. They are supplied ready-to-use; they can be introduced into cells using transfection or electroporation. We recommend mirVana ™ miRNA Mimics, but we continue to offer Ambion ® Pre-miR miRNA Precursors for completion of studies that were started using these first-generation products. Inhibitors Small, synthetic, single-stranded RNA molecules designed to specifically bind to and inhibit mature miRNAs from functioning. We recommend mirVana™ miRNA inhibitors, but we continue to offer Ambion ® Anti-miR™ miRNA Inhibitors for completion of studies that were started using these first-generation products.

Vista Ticketing System. Which technology are you using? ONLY the species listed below are available for search by sequence.

Genes Reporteros Pdf

A single species from the list must be selected, and that species must match the species of the input sequence: H. Sapiens (Human) M. Musculus (Mouse) R.

Norvegicus (Rat) A. Thaliana (Arabidopsis) B. Taurus (Cattle) C. Elegans (Nematode) C. Familiaris (Canine) C. Hircus (Goat) C. Griseus (Chinese hamster) D.

Melanogaster (Fruit fly) D. Rerio (Zebrafish) E. Caballus (Horse) G. Gallus (Chicken) G.

Gene (lacZ) as a reporter genefor the rapid measurement of T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated activation ofindivid-ual Tcells. The reporter construct contained the lacZ.

Max (Soybean) M. Mulatta (Rhesus) M. Fascicularis (Cyno) O. Aries (Sheep) O.

Resllmen 158 EXPRESION TRANSITORIA DE GENES REPORTEROS EN TIQUISQUE BLANCO Xanthosoma sagittifolium SCHOTT) Nan~ Hidalgo Doctorado en Sistemas de Produccion de. 3 pag7 predesigned TaqMan Gene Expression Assays, real-time PCR primers and probes.

Cuniculus (Rabbit) O. Sativa (Rice) S. Pombe (Fission yeast) S. Scrofa (Pig) Z. Mays (Maize) Marker and Reporter sequences(e.g. GFP, FLAG, etc) Select a single species to search by sequence.