Rename Block Autocad 2009

Rename Block Autocad 2009 Rating: 5,5/10 3883reviews

Hi, is there some lisp/script, which renames multiple blocks in multiple drawings. I have about 300 blocks and 300 drawings and i need to rename every block in every drawing (about 10 blocks in one drawing). All the same, there aren't every 300 blocks in every drawing and that causes problems. I have a script, which works if there is every 300 block in one drawing, but there never is all the blocks in one drawing. John Escott The Big Story.

Rename Block Autocad 2009

I think i need to use some lisp with tblsearch-command, but i have no idea how to make a table where is 'oldname' and 'newname'). Download Nctuns For Fedora 10 Free. The command i want to use is something like this rename block 'oldname1' 'newname1' rename block 'oldname2' 'newname2' rename block 'oldname3' 'newname3' rename block 'oldname4' 'newname3' Does anyone have an aid to deal with this problem? Hi, is there some lisp/script, which renames multiple blocks in multiple drawings. I have about 300 blocks and 300 drawings and i need to rename every block in every drawing (about 10 blocks in one drawing). All the same, there aren't every 300 blocks in every drawing and that causes problems.