Patch Code Separator

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Kofax Patch Code Separator

Title: Patch code T separator sheet Author: University Digitisation Centre Created Date: 8/4/2014 2:39:30 PM. Calculator Program In Labview. Click Jacker more.

Attached is the recommended Patch T Document Separator Sheet to be used for document separation during document scanning. It is critical that only original Patch T sheets be used during scanning and that NO COPIES are used as copied images are of lower image quality and will result in document separation failures. Proper Usage of Patch T Separtor Sheets Patch T document separator sheets are used to indicate the start of a New document within a batch.

The following are proper ways to use Patch T document separator sheets. The following example will produce 3 separate documents.

Kofax Patch Code Separator Set Up

Document 1 with 2 pages, Document 2 with 3 pages, and Document 3 with 2 pages. (if scanning single page documents it may be necessary to insert Patch T document separator sheets as 'every other page' within the batch to ensure proper separation UNLESS your process has been setup to separate automatically on every page. Contact Tronitech Technical Support to verify your configuration.) Incorrect Usage of Patch T Separator Sheets The following examples show common incorrect usage cases where Patch T sheets were either inserted incorrectly into the batch or simply scanned incorrectly. This batch will show 9 loose pages and 1 document containing 10 pages in indexing as only one Patch T sheet was found in the middle of the batch.

To correct the batch must be rescanned with Proper Patch T separation. EVERY document must have a Patch T as page 1. This batch will show 17 loose pages in indexing as no Patch T sheets were found. 4k Movie Sample.

'Hi, we are planning to implement a batch and document separator via patch code or 3 of 9 bar code separator sheets in FileNet Capture Professional 5.2 through Kofax. Experts Exchange >Articles >PaperPort - Blank Page Job Separator with. Blank Page Job Separator with. That says 'Patch Code, Job Separator' with.

While there are two showing in the batch they were not properly scaled and were therefore not recognized properly. To correct the batch must be rescanned with Proper Patch T separation. EVERY document must have a Patch T as page 1, each Patch T should be scanned at the correct size and orientation. To correct the batch must be rescanned with Proper Patch T separation. EVERY document must have a Patch T as page 1.

Scanning Documents with Bar Codes What is a bar code and how can I use it for scanning documents? A bar code like the one shown at the right is use to either identify information on the document, or the bar code can be used to SEPARATE the document, or a batch of documents, or both.